Friendship Quiz
Friendship Quiz
Take the test to see how much you love people.
Take the test to see how much you love people.

You are having a sleepover, you invite..
You are in your lunch room at school, you sit at the table..
You see yourself as..
You see yourself...
You are bored, you..
During summer you...
LAST QUESTION! Do you have a cat?
You have trouble making friends. People see you as the bystander or the loner. You need to stand out more!
Friendship Keeper
Friendship Keeper
You have close friends, about maybe 2 or 3. In some cases you only have 1. You don't go up to random people and become their friend, you wait to see who they really are.
Over Friendly
Over Friendly
You have about.. well.. 432893285587584754754 friends. You see a person, say hi, BOOM, best friends for life! There is nothing wrong with that though. Lose a friend, see another. You are NEVER friendless.
Just Perfect
Just Perfect
You have 1-2 friends, But only one is close. You don't have too many, but you aren't close to friendless. You are JUST PERFECT!