Only 13% Of Adults Can Pass This 7th Grade American Revolution Test!
Only 13% Of Adults Can Pass This 7th Grade American Revolution Test!
Do the terms "continental congress" and "quartering act" mean anything to you? Test your knowledge here and find out if you're smarter than a seventh grader!
Do the terms "continental congress" and "quartering act" mean anything to you? Test your knowledge here and find out if you're smarter than a seventh grader!

In what year was the First Continental Congress convened?
Which French leader fought for American independence during the Revolutionary War?
Who was General of the U.S. Army during the Revolutionary War?
What was the Quartering Act?
Which treaty ended the Revolutionary War in 1783?
What did the proclamation of 1763 prohibit colonists from doing?
How many people signed the Declaration of Independence?
Who was the famous minuteman credited with warning colonists that "The British are coming."
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
What was the name of Thomas Paine's pamphlet advocating for American independence?
Who was the first Secretary of the Treasury?
In what year was the U.S. Constitution written?
The Battle of Bunker Hill was part of a larger siege of what U.S. city?