This Color Test Will Tell You Which Of Daenerys's Dragons You Are!
This Color Test Will Tell You Which Of Daenerys's Dragons You Are!
Tell us which colors stand out most to you in these gorgeous stills from Game of Thrones and we'll tell you whether you're Drogon, Rhaegal, or Viserion!
Tell us which colors stand out most to you in these gorgeous stills from Game of Thrones and we'll tell you whether you're Drogon, Rhaegal, or Viserion!

Which color appeals to you most?
Which color appeals to you most?
Which color appeals to you most?
Which color appeals to you most?
Which color appeals to you most?
Which color appeals to you most?
Which color appeals to you most?
Which color appeals to you most?
Which color appeals to you most?
Which color appeals to you most?
Which color appeals to you most?
You're Drogon! You may tend to see the dark more than the light and you can certainly be vicious, but you're intensely loyal and you watch out for your friends and family. Do you agree? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see what they think!
You're Rhagal! You're fiercely independent and you don't like being tied down or chained up, but you'll always come back to the people you care about and take care of your own! Do you agree? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see what they think!
You're Viserion! As dragons go, you're very sweet and friendly. You may accidentally kill the occasional sheep or villager, but you're never going to let down the people who care about you and you love meeting new people, too! Do you agree? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see what they think!