What is Your Best Personality Trait?

Everyone has one. They just don't know it. Maybe you'll figure out something you never knew!

EBE Looms
Created by EBE Looms(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Would you rather...

What is wrong with the world?

What do you prefer?

It's stupid when..

You are happy when...

You are brainy and technical!

You are brainy and technical!

Congratulations, you are a geek! Now don't be offended, being a geek isn't bad at all! You're mind is very advanced and you are most likely in an honors class! You are very high tec, and you LOVE computers! In the future, you are probably launching a brand new Apple product.

You are creative and unique!

You are creative and unique!

You are an outgoing and different person! Embrace it! You don't care what other people think, and you're not afraid to express yourself! You are most likely good at the arts, and you are very mysterious and sexy! You totally turn people on! In the future, you are probably an artist with very big dreams and about to change the world for the better!

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On Nov 18, 2021