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Bet You Don’t Remember Greco-Roman History! Prove Us Wrong!

Et tu, Brute?

Created by Eddard
On Aug 24, 2016

Which civilization rose to power first?

Which Greek city-state was known for its military prowess?

TRUE or FALSE: Ancient Greek culture was heavily influenced by Roman culture.

Where was Alexander the Great from?

In what wars did the Romans fight Carthage?

What happened to Alexander the Great's empire after it fell?

What was the birth name of the Caesar Augustus, the first Emperor of Rome?

For which Emperor is the northern most Roman fortification in Britannia called?

Which of these historical figures was NOT from Ancient Greece?

In which year was the Roman Empire first divided into East and West?

In which battle did 300 Spartans make their stand against the mighty Persian army?

Who was the very last Emperor of Rome?

TRUE or FALSE: The Roman Empire didn't technically fall until 1453.

Which Greek city state is known for being a direct democracy?

You Definitely Proved Us Wrong!

You Definitely Proved Us Wrong!

You Definitely Proved Us Wrong! According to your answers, you are a pro at Greco-Roman History! It seems this period of history has enraptured your mind, bidding you to unravel the mysteries of antiquity. We were birthed of that time, of that culture. Had events not played out exactly as they had, we would be looking at a wildly different present than we are today. Your fascination has paid off, because you just destroyed this quiz!

You Proved Us Wrong!

You Proved Us Wrong!

You Proved Us Wrong! According to our team of experts, you have some serious knowledge of Ancient Greece and Rome! Clearly, you have a fascination with antiquity: So much is known, but there is still so much to demystify and illuminate. From Athens to Rome and Carthage to the Pillars of Hercules; you absorb as much knowledge as you can so that you might discover that one piece of knowledge that blows open an entire era!

You May Have Proven Us Wrong!

You May Have Proven Us Wrong!

You May Have Proven Us Wrong! According to your answers, you definitely know something about this time period. Unfortunately, your knowledge couldn't get you through this quiz. But that only means you have an interest to explore, and that's an extremely exciting prospect! Don't stop learning! Keep going until you're sure you've satisfied that insatiable urge to know!

You Actually Didn't Prove Us Wrong!

You Actually Didn't Prove Us Wrong!

You Actually Didn't Prove Us Wrong! According to our team of experts, you didn't quite meet the challenge. The Greco-Roman period is one of the most studied, but it does not escape the mystifying grasp of history either. There is much to know, but also much to discover! If this era peaks your interest, then you have just begun an amazing journey into the depths of history! When will your thirst for knowledge be sated?

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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