Could You Survive The American Civil War?
Could You Survive The American Civil War?
Choose a side...and choose carefully.
Choose a side...and choose carefully.

Who was President during the Civil War?
Which general led the forces of the Confederate States of America until the end of the war?
Which conflict is seen as the beginning of the American Civil War?
Why were there so many casualties in this terrible war?
TRUE or FALSE: The Civil War was the first time railroads were used as a tactical advantage.
How many commanders did the Union go through during the Civil War?
Where did the Confederate Army officially surrender?
What was the single bloodiest battle of the entire war?
TRUE or FALSE: Harriet Tubman led a raid to free slaves during the Civil War.
Which was BY FAR the most lethal aspect of the American Civil War?
Who was the President of the Confederate States of America?
What issue was the U.S. Civil War fought over?
You Could Definitely Survive!
You Could Definitely Survive!
You Could Definitely Survive The American Civil War! According to your answers, you will survive the war between brothers. The destiny of a nation has fallen into question; which path will you fight for as two competing visions of the world compete in one of the most bloody wars of American history? You can turn the tide of battle, if you so choose!
You Could Survive!
You Could Survive!
You Could Survive The American Civil War! According to our team of experts, you have a decent chance of getting through this chaotic time. Modern rifling is coming face to face with 18th century battle tactics. Only you have the knowledge to end the bloodshed and bring peace back to this great nation. But, for which side will you secure victory?
You Just Might Survive!
You Just Might Survive!
You Just Might Survive The American Civil War! According to your answers, your ability to survive this war stands upon the edge of a knife. The most horrifying battles to ever grace mankind have been saved for you in this terrible war. But as the bullets fly and the shells shock, will you be able to find your way through the fray and secure victory, as well as survival?
You Actually Won't Survive!
You Actually Won't Survive!
You Actually Won't Survive The American Civil War! According to our team of experts, fate has a less than favorable plan for you. You have chosen to fight in this war among brothers, but none could have known the extent of the bloodshed. You are one among hundreds of thousands who gave their lives for what they believed in. That fact alone is what makes it all worth it; for the dream of a better future must always be paid in blood.