How Well Do You Remember The Cold War?
How Well Do You Remember The Cold War?
We didn't start the fire...
We didn't start the fire...

Which country did the Soviet Union wage war on for over a decade?
When was the Berlin Wall built?
What was the Truman Doctrine?
The Soviet and Communist forces during the Cold War are known as...
Which nation built the largest nuclear device ever detonated?
How did the Soviets and Chinese obtain atomic secrets?
Which of these events are considered a failure in the United States?
What was the first satellite launched in space by humans named?
TRUE or FALSE: The Bay of Pigs was a successful invasion of Cuba by the United States.
Which US president opened up China for the first time since 1949?
What is the Second Red Scare also known as?
Which American general wanted to invade China in the Korean War?
"Under God" was added to the U.S. pledge of allegiance to contrast the atheism of communism.
How did the Korean War end for the South Korean and American forces?
The Soviet Union and the United States were allies in the First World War.
What was the Marshall Plan?
Which Soviet leader was in power during the Berlin blockade and airlift?
When did Germany officially split into two nations?