More Than Half of GOT Fans Can’t Pass This Westeros Quiz!
More Than Half of GOT Fans Can’t Pass This Westeros Quiz!
Get your gold dragons ready!
Get your gold dragons ready!

Which of these Houses is descended from the First Men?
Who are the original inhabitants of Westeros?
What is the name of the Red God?
In which Westerosi city lies the Citadel?
To which Great House does House Tarly swear fealty to?
TRUE or FALSE: Westeros was once connected to Essos by land.
What were the Rhoynar fleeing when Nymeria sailed them to Dorne?
Where did the Children of the Forest and the First Men make peace?
Who was the Night's King?
Which House was a rebelling branch of House Targaryen?
At a tourney, Rhaegar Targaryen honored Lyanna Stark shortly before abducting her. Where was it?
TRUE or FALSE: The Baratheons are NOT related to the Targaryens.
Who killed Balon Greyjoy?
Why is Dany called Danaerys Stormborn?
Who leads the Brotherhood Without Banners after Beric Dondarrion?
How does Theon come to live at Winterfell?
What was the Dance of the Dragons?
TRUE or FALSE: All seven kingdoms were capitulated in Aegon's War of Conquest.
Who was the very first King-Beyond-the-Wall?
What is the Royal House of the Storm Kings?
Which Targaryen King originally disbanded the Faith Militant in Westeros?
TRUE or FALSE: The Iron Islands and The North are the only pure populations of the First Men left.
What is said of the people who live on the island Skagos?
How many ships did the Rhoynar take when they fled Essos for Dorne?
How did the Targaryen's escape the Doom of Valyria?