Which GOT Character’s Plot-line Would You Be In?
Which GOT Character’s Plot-line Would You Be In?
Find your fate...
Find your fate...

You Would Be in Jon Snow's Plot-line! According to your answers, you would definitely wind up meeting Jon! With White Walkers marching their army ever nearer, and the Night's Watch in complete chaos and disrepair, only you can help Jon Snow organize his followers in a last-ditch fight for the world of the living! You were chosen by the old gods to find Jon, because you believe in truth, justice, and in the old ways; your honesty has proven the gods to bind your fate with Jon Snow!
You Would Be In Bran Stark's Plot-Line! According to our team of experts, you are destined to help Bran in his journey! Like the Grove itself, Bran is the last defense against the Night King and his army of white walkers and wights. You are a truth-seeker, one who actively pursues wisdom and knowledge so that you may understand the nature of this world. Perhaps, even, make it a better place to live in!
You Would Be In Tyrion Lannister's Plot-Line! According to your answers, you and Tyrion are destined to meet! While trying to tame the city of Mereen, you will produce for the little lion a skill which none other possess: a mind for justice. Your temper is so balanced, that only you can truly make objective decisions. Your judgment is wise and diligent in its consequences. Ever watchful for the worst possible scenario and preparing for it before anyone could ever see it coming!
You Would Be In Arya Stark's Plot-line! According to our team of experts, you will meet no one, and no one will meet you. The fascination you have with life and death makes you a perfect companion to Arya. You may meet her in the House of Black and White, and help her get back to Westeros, if that is her path. You will show her the ways of death, so that she can truly become, no one.
You Would Be In Danaerys Targaryen's Plot-Line! According to your answers, you and the Mother of Dragons are fated to meet. She has an empire to build, and a throne to retake. And that is why you must meet her, for you hold the key to her dominance on land. You are wise and old in spirit; knowledgable of the past and how it can be used to her advantage. She will need your judgement and objectivity in order to reclaim her throne!
You Would Be In Sansa Stark's Plot-Line! According to your answers, you are destined to save Sansa from the brutality of the Boltons. Your honor is your saving grace. You swore an oath to the Starks, and you will uphold it, no matter who sits in Winterfell. When the King in the North was murdered, you swore to yourself to protect all the Starks that were left, and would help anyone trying to help them. Now, you roam the North, looking in hope to find Sansa, and bring her to safety!
And yes - you will get your sweet, sweet revenge...