Could You Survive In Mythical Medieval Japan?
Could You Survive In Mythical Medieval Japan?
Is a "Kappa" a friendly ghost or a scary water creature?
Is a "Kappa" a friendly ghost or a scary water creature?

Created by Eddie Liggitt
On Dec 6, 2015
1 / 7
An angry umibōzu approaches your boat while your out at sea and demands you give him an empty barrel. What do you do?
2 / 7
A Satori jumps into your camp and starts reading your mind. How do you make it stop?
3 / 7
Makura-Gaeshi are notorious for......
4 / 7
Would you want to kiss an akaname?
5 / 7
A nurikabe manafests as a wall that hinders travelers on their path. How do you get past?
6 / 7
A kitsune appears and starts growling at you. What do you do?
7 / 7
A kappa river demon approaches. What's the best way to survive?
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These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021