How Likely Are You To Burn Down The House When Cooking Christmas Dinner This Year?
How Likely Are You To Burn Down The House When Cooking Christmas Dinner This Year?
Are you scared to cook? Find out if your fear is actually well grounded.
Are you scared to cook? Find out if your fear is actually well grounded.

Created by Eddie Liggitt
On Dec 2, 2015
1 / 9
What does the word "baste" mean?
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Is "moutarde" the French word for "mustard"?
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Is Lyonnaise a word for fancy French mayonnaise?
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The cookbook says to "blanch" something. What do you do?
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Is "offal" the French word for "egg".
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Oleaginous Plants have a fat content of....
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Is this a photo of "pith"?
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Can you identify which one of these kitchen tools is a Colander?
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Is this a Capsicum?
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These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021