Which Version Of David Bowie Are You?
Which Version Of David Bowie Are You?
Are you Ziggy Stardust or The Thin White Duke?
Are you Ziggy Stardust or The Thin White Duke?

Where are you from?
If there is life on mars, where is it hiding?
What food would you have waiting for you backstage?
What famous Bowie album would you put in your record player first?
Do you crave alone time?
How comfortable are you with glitter?
If you could live anywhere, where would you?
Ziggy Stardust
Ziggy Stardust
You are Ziggy! You sparkle in groups of people and always tend to stand out. People love you and it shows. Your life is vibrant and exciting. Just be sure to remember to take it easy every once in awhile and you'll be set.
You are Pierrot. You tend to say few words, but when you do speak people tend to listen. You live a life of expression and poise. Creativity oozes out from you and your life is a work of art. Just be sure to lighten up every once in a while.
The Outsider
The Outsider
You're The Outsider. You love to reinvent yourself often and are no stranger to laughter. Big cities don't scare you and you enjoy the energy of thousands of people around you. You're no stranger to crowds and live shows. Just be sure to take some alone time every once in awhile.
The Elder Statesman
The Elder Statesman
You're The Elder Statesman. You have lived through a lot and you act accordingly. You're not one to rush into things. People love working with you because they know that you only work with the best. You are respected and highly loved. Just be sure to laugh everyonce in awhile.
The Whimsical Singer/Songwriter
The Whimsical Singer/Songwriter
You are the The Whimsical Singer/Songwriter. You're "that guy" with the guitar that gets all the girls Freshman year. You're in touch with your emotions and you are not afraid of expressing them. You love taking time for yourself and you don't waste time on frivolous people. Just be sure to lighten up every once in awhile.
Aladdin Sane
Aladdin Sane
You are Aladdin Sane. You are currently in the middle of a complete whirlwind and trying to find yourself. You tend to fall in love love quite quickly and intensely. You wear your heart on your sleeve. Art is no stranger to you and it is what you use to get by. Just be sure to remember to take it easy once in awhile. Everyone isn't out to get you.