Which Narnia Character Are You?
Which Narnia Character Are You?
Answer these 15 unique questions, and find out once and for all, which 'Chronicles of Narnia' character you are most like, and why.
Answer these 15 unique questions, and find out once and for all, which 'Chronicles of Narnia' character you are most like, and why.

Have you read the book or watched the movie?
Where would you like to live?
Weapon of your choice:
Which is your favorite Narnian creature?
What would you do if your friend got into an argument and you knew they were wrong?
How do you make important decisions?
What kind of person upsets you the most?
If you could have one trait which would it be?
What is your favorite season?
What is your greatest downfall?
What would be the first thing you did if you got into Narnia?
What is your favorite movie/book?
Which is the worst enemy?
In Prince Caspian,
whose fault was the failure at the night raid?
Which is your favorite Narnian quote?
'Queen Susan the Gentle'-
What would be the description at the end of your title?
Peter Pevensie
Peter Pevensie
You are the High King of Narnia, and are respected throughout the realm.
Your bravery and selflessness has earned your crown, and you lead the other queens and kings earnestly, guiding them down, even after your last journey to protect the realm of Narnia.
You are similar to Peter in that, you will do whatever it takes to protect and defend those you care about. You are very loyal, but change is hard for you, and you can be easily unsettled.
Your noble character makes you responsible and a hard worker.
Susan Pevensie
Susan Pevensie
You are High Queen of Narnia, Susan the Gentle. You lead Narnia in the most humble manner, always thinking of the logical solution to the realm's hardest decisions.
You are calm, and your cool-headedness guides the other kings and queens, and through your ability, have saved Narnia from many disasters amongst itself.
You are like Susan in that you are always trying to not mess up. You are a perfectionist, and do not like rushing into things. You take on the role as leader in most things, and keep things sensible.
You do not always trust or believe, and do not like to dream too far, but you will always do what is required of you.
Edmund Pevensie
Edmund Pevensie
You are King Edmund the Just. You have lead the armies of Narnia through many impossible trials, and have guided the realm to glory. Your fiercsomeness has protected Narnia, and having seen the enemy yourself, you know how to handle it.
You are like Edmund in that you always are quick-witted, and answer immediately. You are slightly mischievous, but always good-natured.
You get into a lot of trouble, but never more than you are worth. You are very reassuring and encouraging to those you love, and are a comfort to have around in difficult times.
Lucy Pevensie
Lucy Pevensie
You are Queen Lucy the Valiant. You have always believed in Narnia, and will stand by it to the ends of the realm. You follow and trust Aslan in everything, and your courage has saved Narnia from the White Whitch.
You are like Lucy in that you are very sweet and careful. You are considerate and rarely think about yourself in dangerous or troubling times. Your friends and family are your greatest gain and you trust them.
You are carefree though, and slightly naïve. It is easy for people to surprise and scare you.
Eustace Scrubb
Eustace Scrubb
You are Eustace Scrubb the Useless... or you were.
After your journey to Narnia, you have seen the world, (and your cousins) in an entirely different perspective. You are now courageous and take on the role that the Pevensies left behind proudly.
You are like Eustace in that you are very thouoral, and hate a half-done job... but you do not always want to do it yourself. You are very clever and smart, but sometimes a show-off or snob.
You are quick to forgive, but it takes you a while to have a good relationship with someone.
Prince Caspian
Prince Caspian
You are Prince Caspian the Tenth, and have honored Narnia with your uncommon Telmarine loyalty. You have lead the realm bravely and despite your mistakes, you are loved among your people.
You are like Caspian in that you are slightly cheeky, and do not like being bossed around. You are a natural leader, whether you know it or not. You have a sense of self doubt, and cover it up in pride.
You are Reepiceep, a warrior of Narnia. You have defened her well and have earned the rare chance to live in Aslan's Country in the Utter East. You are remembered as the hero, that Aslan himself admired.
You are like Reepiceep in that you are not exactly popular or famous in your groups. You are respected and respectful, and have high hopes and ambitious dreams. You do not let anything stand between you and your loyalty. You are very skilled once you focus on something, and have a unique outward appearance.
You are Trumping the Dwarf and the warrior. You served Narnia with your dying breath, and patiently waited for Aslan, which you were not entirely sure existed. Your loyalty to the realm has made you remembered and honored throughout history.
You are like Trumpkin in that you are usually appear very dull or moody. Once people get to know you, they see the tender heart you have, and the loyalty to those you care for. You are very sweet-natured and like to give gifts.
You rarely burst in anger in front of anyone else, but you wrestle with yourself often.