Which Unusual Superpower Do You Have?

Find out what forgotten and odd superpower you have, and what it does, by answering these 26 unique questions designed to capture your personality.

Eden Outlander
Created by Eden Outlander (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Apr 9, 2017

Where does you greatest skill lie?

How would you describe your preferance on clothing styles?

Which is your favorite element?

What kind of game do you play the most?

Which catagory is your dream occupation in?

How much do you enjoy sleep?

Which is your favorite of these classic superheros?

Which would you want on an abondoned island?

Which do you prefer?

Which of these subjects do you dislike the most?

Do you sleep better with...

Are you a coffee lover?

When you watch a movie, which do you pay attention to the most?

Which is your favorite flavor?

Which picture is most appealing?

Which is your favorite classic superpower?

What did you notice first in the image above?

Which word describes you the best?

Which is the coolest?

Are you good with technology?

Which is your favorite of these songs?

What is your favorite season?

What is your favorite color?

Are you...

How many friends do you have?

How did you get your power?



It is the power to become part of a wall or surface, and be able to travel through a few dimensions at certain times. You can go through walls when you are flattened against it.

Your personality wants a fast-moving environment. You are slightly impatient and do not like being held back. You are a dare-devil and like dangerous things. You are outgoing and sometimes outspoken. You get injured often.



Your power can see the history of anything it touches, but only remembers the important things. You often find yourself dreaming of another person's or item's past. It is an uncontrollable power, and works automatically.

You match this power through you inquisitive attitude. You want to succeed and do your best at everything you can., but dread work and chores. You are not very positive, but a great friend and family member. You often feel forgotten, but always like to do little things for those you care about.



Your power is the ability to make plate tectonics move or shake. You can cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and/or, massive waves. You can also cause random blocks of stone to rise or shoot from the ground, and rip open valleys in the ground. Your power is usually found in villains.

You have matched this power in your personality. You are extremely stubborn when you set your mind to be, but are a hard worker, even if it is a sloppy job. You are slightly OCD, and like things organized and with a schedule. You are interested in the most odd subjects and can be a nerd or fan-girl/boy at times.



You have a power that can only be controlled with emotions. You can make things look invisible, and make them silent. If you are angry at someone, you might accidentally make them vanish from the conversation. You can also make hologram-like projections, and make things or people appear that are not there.

You have this power through your strong emotions. You rarely show it except in outbursts or to your loved ones. You are prone to jealousy but easily make freinds with those who are 'popular'.
You are very imaginative, and often unrealistic. You dream big, and act upon your dreams. You are very creative and often take over creative events, or think you should take them over. You are very clean, and hate germs, but not organized.

Power Augmentation

Power Augmentation

Your power is the ability to send images into another thing's mind or system. The other person cannot sense that it is from you, and thinks they are their own thoughts. You cannot 'control' their mind, just send visual images to them. You can also steal their thoughts, and make them forget it for a while, but cannot read the thoughts you steal. You can affect someone's dreams.
Your power works on technology as well.

You match this power in that you can finish people's sentances, and often predict what they are about to ask you. You have a light-switch memory. (were you can remember everything for one minute, and nothing the next) You are good with technology and good with figuring things out on your own. You often teach yourself.
You do not like being wrong, and will still defend yourself even after you realize your mistake.
You are left-brained, and do not make true friends very quickly.



Your power is pretty much the creepiest out there. You can, when touching something living, make it drawn to you. Basically, make yourself someone's 'precious'. The more often you do it, the stronger it gets, and it can make people violent or crazy if done wrong. (Good for making minions)

You are similar in that you like to be liked, and often accidentally make people think they are your best friend. You are easily persuaded, and believe whatever the people you trust believe. You are very shallow and chill, and have a more casual relationship with your true friends. You are loyal and rhythmical. You like to have a pattern or a schedule, and always know the plan. You are not often in charge, but are cool-headed enough to be.

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