Can We Trick You?
Can We Trick You?
Will you see through the smoke and mirrors?
Will you see through the smoke and mirrors?

The doctor gives you 3 pills to take, he said take one every 30 minutes apart. How many hours will it take to take the 3 pills?
A rooster laid an egg over water, did the egg sink or float?
What's the last letter of alphabet?
You see a boat full of people, but a single person wasn't on board.
Divide 50 by half and add 20.
Johnny's Mother had three children. The first child was named April. The second child was named May. What was the third child’s name?
Which letter comes next in the following sequence?
S, N, E, P, O, H, C, _
Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?
Close your eyes and imagine, you're on the second floor of a burning house with smoke so thick you can't see or smell. How do you escape?
You pass the 2nd person in a race, what place are you in?
How do you slam glass on a concrete floor without breaking it?
How many times does the letter ‘a’ appear from 0-100?
Name the most recent year that New Year's came before Christmas.
The 10 King's Men took 20 hours to put Humpty Dumpty together again, how many hours did it take 8 of the King's Men?