If You Were The Opposite Gender, What Would Your Name Be?
If You Were The Opposite Gender, What Would Your Name Be?
You've always wondered - now it's time to find out!
You've always wondered - now it's time to find out!

Please read the questions CLOSELY! Some may seem the same, but they yield VERY different results, understand?
Do you identify as a girl or a boy?
You're writing a story about yourself in 3rd person, which sounds accurate?
How do you help make a baby?
A word that describes you?
Which outfit would you wear?
It's often said that certain types of people process art differently, choose a piece of the art work below.
Which pronoun do you use for yourself?
What type of person are you attracted to?
Emily - "popular"
Emily - "popular"
Assuming we got it right that you identify as a male, the name of you would have if you were the opposite gender is Emily!
You are the type of person who can change the world around them, you're also a mover and a shaker. This means that you have no problem being yourself and people are generally attracted to that.
That's what Emily represents, that special something - it's also one of the most popular names ever!
Ashley - "nice"
Ashley - "nice"
Assuming we got it right that you identify as a male, the name of you would have if you were the opposite gender is Ashley!
Ashley is the girl that everyone respects, and you have those same respectable qualities. If you were a woman, you'd be the "girl next door." Very kind, curious, and the center of quite a lot of attention without even trying to be.
You probably know an Ashley - what do you think of her?
Sarah - "fun"
Sarah - "fun"
Assuming we got it right that you identify as a male, the name of you would have if you were the opposite gender is Sarah!
You are adventurous and that's why you're Sarah! Still, it's not like we can explain who you are with only one word - that's what special about it. It's hard to explain you because you're unique.
Sarah is the girl who you know you can depend on, they also tend to have blonde hair - which I'm not sure why, actually.
Are you in the mood for a little blonde?
Josh - "popular"
Josh - "popular"
Assuming we got it right that you identify as a female, the name of you would have if you were the opposite gender is Josh!
We all know a Josh. He's popular, cool, and usually pretty good looking. Josh is often seen as the "jock" type, but that's a stereotype that isn't always accurate. You are magnetic and inviting, that's what your name would be Josh!
So!!! All you need is a varsity jacket, maybe a leather one? You're half way there!
Matthew - "smart"
Matthew - "smart"
Assuming we got it right that you identify as a female, the name of you would have if you were the opposite gender is Matthew!
You are smart, funny, and have an awkward charm that attracts people to you. That's why your name would be Matthew - a totally interesting and cool guy. Matthew is smart, sweet, and usually a complete gentle.
Matthew knows how to treat his friends, is very wise, and can give some great advice. Now would you take off the "ew" you get Matt... and I make no promises about Matt.
Chris - "fun"
Chris - "fun"
Assuming we got it right that you identify as a female, the name of you would have if you were the opposite gender is Chris!
Chris is fun and exciting. He's the type of guy that can get you to try new things, he's brave and knows how to protect what's important to him. That's why your name would be Chris!
While Chris is a great guy, adding the "topher" will tend to change things QUITE a lot. Think to yourself - how does a Chris you know act, and how does Christopher act? Huh?