Is Yin Or Yang More Dominant Within You?
Is Yin Or Yang More Dominant Within You?
Are you the dark or the light? The calm, or the passionate? Are you the yin... or the yang?
Are you the dark or the light? The calm, or the passionate? Are you the yin... or the yang?

You are surprised with a romantic evening, how would you respond?
You have the PERFECT chance to get revenge without anyone knowing it was you - would you do it?
When do you work best?
Which could you NOT live without?
Pick the one that draws you in.
A neighboring country has resources that your country needs - you could destroy them easily and get all the resources. You could also propose a treaty, but it's not full proof and could possibly hurt your people. What will you do?
"Hi, how are you!?"
Someone who wronged you is in a tight spot, but you can easily help them if you wanted to. Will you help?
You can swim with unknown creatures in the sea, crawl through a cactus filled desert, or take the bridge and risk the dangers of both. You HAVE to reach the tree that's a mile away, which way will you go?
Yin - "The Question"
Yin - "The Question"
Yin is the moon, mystery, and in many cases - magic!
This means you are inquisitive, whimsical, and very perceptive. You may not always let it seems like you know what going on, but you're 3 steps ahead of those around you. You're also protective and willing to stand up and fight what's important to you, a true warrior! That is why Yin is your stronger force!
Yin is seen as the darker side of the moon, the side of oneself that still has questions to be answered - Yin is the story that has yet to be written.
So... what type of story will YOU write?
Yang - "The Answer"
Yang - "The Answer"
Yang is the sun, light, and the open book. Yang represents a positive outlook, it is also the answer to the many questions that Yin may have.
This means you are generous, warm-hearted, and patient. You are strong enough to forgive, but wise enough to live and learn from a valuable lesson. You may make mistakes sometimes, but you don't make them twice. Most importantly, you're genuine and stay true to yourself. That's why Yang is stronger within you!
Yang represents the bright side of the moon, the open book. When there's a question, try to answer it. When there is a mystery, try to solve it. When there's a problem - YOU can fix it!
Balance - "The Story"
Balance - "The Story"
In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang describes how apparently opposite or contrary forces are actually complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another.
You are balanced - a kind individual who can fight when you need to. A patience soul who knows when to rush. You're a sweet person who has just the right amount of spice! You have not be taken over by Yin or Yang, you've created the perfect blend!
If Yin is fire, Yang is water. If Yin is the pull, Yang is the push. If Yin is the paper, Yang is most definite the pen - and that makes YOU the story!