Were You Born From Ice Or Fire?
Were You Born From Ice Or Fire?
Are you going to give them the chills, or will you set the roof on fire?
Are you going to give them the chills, or will you set the roof on fire?

Which do you follow most often?
When you're angry - what do you do?
There is a lost puppy that has nowhere to live, if you take it in you'll get horribly bad luck but a very good friend.
What size group do you prefer to be in?
Which most sounds like someone you would be close to?
Have you ever feallen in love at first sight?
I dislike...
You're outside and can choose to brave outrageous heat or deal with the cold. Which do you choose?
The Roof Is On Fire!
The Roof Is On Fire!
Hide your kids, hide your wife! The roof is on fire!
You are passionate, sympathetic, and are lead by your heart. You don't turn your nose up to a person who follows their dreams because you know what it means to want something more than anything.
You're a lover AND a fighter, that's what really makes you special. If you want something you have no problem fighting for it.
You are a leader, an adventurer, and born from fire!
Ice, Ice, Baby!
Ice, Ice, Baby!
Ice, ice, baby! Not only is it a chillingly catchy song, but it starts off my stone cold ice references that you'll see quite a few times!
You are calm, collected, and focus on using logic. You're a great problem solver and make things that people generally deem hard seem very easy, you handle the icy-est of times very well.
So pull out the winter jackets when you're around - you were born from ice! (ice baby)
When Ice Meets Fire
When Ice Meets Fire
When Fire decided to get jiggy with Ice, their parents were thrilled! When passion meets logic, it makes you!
You are understanding, sympathetic, but tough! You know when you have to stand firm, but you also know when to back off. A lot like a lion, you know when it's time to attack and when it's time to retreat. Those qualities would make you a great leader!
You were born from fire and ice! How steamy does it get?