Who Are You REALLY Behind Closed Doors?
Who Are You REALLY Behind Closed Doors?
A Warrior? Total Sweetheart? Smartypants? Time to reveal who you TRULY are!
A Warrior? Total Sweetheart? Smartypants? Time to reveal who you TRULY are!

Which sounds the most like you?
Would you consider yourself a party animal?
You see someone getting bullied - what do you do?
Do you think it's okay for women to cry in public?
But what about men, is it okay for a man to cry in public?
What was your BEST subject in school?
Which way is easier for you to learn?
Which was your WORST subject in school?
Choose a word to be associated with:
Which do you connect with?
The Total Sweetheart
The Total Sweetheart
You're a total sweatheart!
Didn't think you could fool me, did you? Maybe you show something a little differently, or maybe you wear your heart on your sleeve - but I most definitely see the warmth deep inside you!
You're caring, understanding, and genuine. You are very likeable and can easily sympathize with those around you. You know what it means to be a great listener!
Don't go giving people tooth aches, though!
The Warrior
The Warrior
A true born warrior!
Maybe everyone can't see it when they look at you, but you're a warrior deep inside! You are passionate and exciting! You know how to take charge - the question is whether you're holding back or not?
You're a born leader! Go out into the world and offer what you're best at - action! You can talk, but most importantly, you WALK the WALK. So pull out your warrior boots, pick up a plastic sword (because metal is dangerous~) and go save the world like you're meant to!
The Smartypants
The Smartypants
A true born warrior!
Maybe everyone can't see it when they look at you, but you're a warrior deep inside! You are passionate and exciting! You know how to take charge - the question is whether you're holding back or not?
You're a born leader! Go out into the world and offer what you're best at - action! You can talk, but most importantly, you WALK the WALK. So pull out your warrior boots, pick up a plastic sword (because metal is dangerous~) and go save the world like you're meant to!
The Firecracker
The Firecracker
Snap, Crackle, and Pop have nothing on you!
You are energetic and charismatic! You can come into a space and help it come alive! People could possibly see you as an introvert or even someone who is "extra," but that's not the case. When you're alone, you go on your own adventures that maybe only you understand.
Take some of that fire deep inside your heart and light the world up with something new and exciting! People like you are the great performers, the great inventors, and the friends that everyone wants to be around!
The Lone Wolf
The Lone Wolf
You could be in a crowd, but still be a leader.
You could be in a city, but stand out - and that's a talent! This doesn't mean you don't have many friends or that you don't get along with people - this means that you're a leader and far from a follower by any means.
You make a statement and you do it very well - you're proud and brave. You can make the tough decisions when no one else will and you're okay with standing out from the crowd.
You're not just the lone wolf, you're the ALPHA wolf!
The Unexpected
The Unexpected
To be unexpected it to be very special, this means that you are too complex to be put into another category.
On one day you could be warm like a sweetheart, the next day you can be a lone wolf and want to go off by yourself - it all depends! But that's what makes you special!
You're amazing at adapting to your surroundings and you work very well in high pressure situations. You are the person to depend on.
You don't just expect the unexpected, you ARE the unexpected.