We'll tell you your SeaWing character!

Created by elegantcrownllama (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 31, 2018
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What do you love to do on the water?

When you step into a crowd of dragons, do they...?

The Summer Palace is being invaded! What do you do?

Opinion of MudWings?

Would you die for your queen?

What would you do in your free time?



Your SeaWing character is Mako! Mako is one of the kindest dragons in the tribe and takes care of any SeaWing in need. She's part of the council and works in dragonet care. The queen admires her and Mako would die for her queen. She's clumsy and kind, the perfect balance.



Your SeaWing character is Catfishl! Catfish is a magnet for anything sparkly. That includes jewels, bracelets and rings. She doesn't like anyone who's better than her. On the outside, she's snotty and rude, but on the inside, she's insecure and kind-hearted.



Your SeaWing character is Tide! Tide is favored in the tribe. He's smart and funny and has a wide circle of friends, although he'd like just a couple more. The queen often finds him following her, writing what she does on a scroll. Many would call him creepy, except for those who really know him.



Your SeaWing character is Gulf! Gulf is the SeaWing animus of the tribe. Others tend to fear and stay away from him, although Gulf has never cast a spell in his life, apart from the one the told him he WAS an animus. He is worried about himself, but his calm attitude makes up for it.

Queen Koi

Queen Koi

Your SeaWing character is Queen Koi! Queen Koi is a sour dragon. She likes ridiculing her council, apart from Mako and a few others. She only wants subjects who will respect her, but not fear her. She is THE smartest dragon in the tribe, and everyone knows it. However, her subjects are grateful that she's much better than their previous queen, Monsoon.

Guard Swallowtail

Guard Swallowtail

Your SeaWing character is guard Swallowtail! Swallowtail loves fighting, and that's why he enlisted to be in the queen's army. He guards the Summer Palace, and makes sure no one ever gets in unnoticed. He has a rough voice but still loves all his family and all his friends.

We'll tell you your SeaWing character!

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