What Percent JOMO Are You?

JOMO is the JOY of Missing Out, unlike the Fear of FOMO we're used to. How capable are you of stepping back and letting yourself enjoy life? These research based questions will let you know just that.

Elizabeth Derryberry
Created by Elizabeth Derryberry
On Feb 20, 2019
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In one image, Weekends are for:

To you, an individual who suffers from FOMO (fear of missing out) is most likely:

Which social media network do you spend the most time engaging with?

How many social networks are you active on?

Which do you use most often to communicate with?

How involved are you with your own mental health?

If you're going on a trip with friends/family, you:

Who's career do you follow most closely?

How much time do you WANT to spend outside?

The people in this photo:

WOW! You are Certified JOMO at a record 99%!

WOW! You are Certified JOMO at a record 99%!

Incredible! While human nature is much more susceptible to FOMO (fear of missing out), you are the opposite, a true journey-taker and life-appreciator! You learned, either a long time ago or very recently, that FOMO gets you absolutely nowhere, and that social media is best when used in doses, not constantly. You make it a point to never be the person sitting on their phone with company while out to eat, and to engage with friends and family as often as possible. Keep it up, and PLEASE SPREAD YOUR JOMO TO THE WORLD!

Amazing! You're at a whopping 75% JOMO!

Amazing! You're at a whopping 75% JOMO!

Fantastic! While most of humanity is glued to their phones, you're actively tackling life and trying your hardest to embrace the JOMO! True Joy IS found while "missing out" on social media and the like for you, and you aim to keep it up. You only check your phone when necessary, or if expecting something, instead of having it smack-dab in front of your face whilst with company (thank god). Please keep it up, and SPREAD JOMO TO THE WORLD!

Getting there! You're Currently at 50% JOMO!

Getting there! You're Currently at 50% JOMO!

Well welllll, look who's making a gargantuan effort to not have their face stuck to their screens!? Yes, you! You're currently split 50/50, which is an excellent place to start. You've decided, and have committed rather recently, to NOT being THAT PERSON, and are learning to step away from social media when you need to - which is incredibly important! Whether its giving up a large chunk of your usual scrolling, gaming, or messaging, you're on the right track - keep up that JOY in missing out and SPREAD THE JOMO TO ALL!

Dang! You've Got Some JOMO To Do!

Dang! You've Got Some JOMO To Do!

While you're certainly on your way, we're still finding you at 75% FOMO, which definitely leaves your FEAR OF MISSING OUT with power over you. No one wants that, right? Especially you - you HATE those people! Time to give up the scrolling, the texting, the gaming, and the swiping - and get back into the JOMO of life! You can do it! More importantly, you WANT to do it! So what are you waiting for!? Get out there and embrace the JOMO, and SPREAD IT TO ALL!

What Percent JOMO Are You?

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