What Superpower Should You Have?
What Superpower Should You Have?
Will you soar through the skies or toss boulders like pebbles? Only one way to find out!
Will you soar through the skies or toss boulders like pebbles? Only one way to find out!

You would use your powers for:
When faced with a problem, you:
True or False: You feel a personal obligation to help those in need, even if they are strangers.
Which element do you feel most connected to?
Which of these are you most guilty of?
If you use your powers to become a superhero/villain, what animal will you base your identity on?
Would you prefer to work as a team, or go it solo?
Are you worried you may become a force of evil if granted overbearing power?
Which of the following would you consider your best qualities?
Do you struggle with discussing and/or feeling emotions?
Passionate and radical, your innate connection to all that is fiery in human nature makes you perfectly suited to pyrokinesis. The ability to control fire with your body and mind, pyrokinesis places you in the position to manipulate flames - making everything from your emotions to your physical being a raging inferno - if you choose for it to be, of course. You now possess the ability to rush into an apartment building fire and save hundreds of lives at a time, or burn entire cities to the ground. An undoubtedly aggressive ability that will instill fear in any who witness it - it is up to YOU to shape people's perceptions of pyrokinesis, and whether it can be used for good just as it can be for very, very bad things. What direction will you choose?
Psychic Powers
Psychic Powers
Pensive and innately intellectual, your mind is perfectly poised to take on the monumental power (or burden, depending on how disciplined you can become) of psychic abilities. Perhaps the most human of any superpower, psychic individuals are able to not only read the minds of others - but influence everything from their thoughts to physical actions. Your penchant for order and desire for expansion align you with the abilities a psychic mind grants, and you will become either the world's greatest hero or its worst enemy. Such power grants one unlimited access to every human on the planet, thereby putting everything we know in society and culture at your fingertips. How will you wield this magnificent power?
Ability to Breathe Underwater
Ability to Breathe Underwater
Easygoing and flowing, your love of water and everything it represents makes you perfectly suited for water breathing! Fascinated with the ocean and its influence over our planet, you've known water is your element for as long as you can remember. Some may wish for flight, but you would rather be able to swim endlessly through Earth's vast blue oceans any day. For you, water represents freedom and life itself, and your newfound waterbreathing abilities will allow you to leave a society you find quite trite and unbearably overcrowded behind. Now if you can learn to communicate with marine life like ol' Aquaman you'll be in REALLY good shape!
Perhaps the first ability that pops to mind for most when superpowers are mentioned, the power of flight is something man has dreamed of since the dawn of consciousness. Luckily for you, your mentality makes you a perfect candidate for human flight! A truly free spirit who takes nothing for granted, you wish for nothing more than to see the world and truly have the power to help others in need. Flight grants you an unlimited ability to flourish in both of these areas, as you now have free reign to travel both the land and sea of our vast planet - helping those as you go (if you choose to be the rescuing type, that is). The ability to look down upon our planet from above is humbling, and we have no doubt that it will change you for the better!
Super Strength
Super Strength
You may be stubborn and a bit on the testy side, but so would everyone if they were right all the time like you are, yeah? Your sturdy demeanor and stoic bravado make you a perfect candidate to take on the power of super strength and the responsibility it takes to maintain it properly. But let's talk about the fun stuff, yeah!? Not only will you be able to toss multi-ton objects like paper wads, but your newly granted super strength will allow your muscles to do anything from leaping massive distances in single bounds to rendering your dense tissues impenetrable to physical harm. You shall be a force to be reckoned with - er, well, even more so than usual!
Super Speed
Super Speed
Energetic and a bit impatient (or very impatient, more than likely), your mental state has caused your DNA to restructure - allowing your body to achieve super speed! Super speed seems like one of those "one trick pony" powers until you really begin to delve into the physics of its premise. Not only will you be able to literally do EVERYTHING faster, but if what we know of physics holds true - you'll be everything from a time traveler to creator of wormholes and a new time-space continuum. With this sort of power, you could literally change (or rule) the world, and will never want for anything ever again. No pressure, right?
Molecular Manipulation
Molecular Manipulation
When faced with this power, most only consider it useful for walking through walls - but this is only tapping the surface! Also known as "phasing", your powers of molecular manipulation can be used for everything from defying death by having everything from bullets to semi-trucks pass straight through you - and even slipping through time itself. Your mind has an endless imagination, and you hate nothing more than feeling "trapped", both of which have led your DNA to restructuring your entire being on the molecular level. You'll never feel trapped again, as there is literally nothing in the physical world that can keep you captive!