Where Did Your Soul Come From?
Where Did Your Soul Come From?
The circle of life is never-ending. In what form did the very essence of your being exist before it became... you?
The circle of life is never-ending. In what form did the very essence of your being exist before it became... you?

You feel a deeper connection to the:
Do you prefer the company of other people or animals?
For you, feelings of "Bliss" are most often associated with:
Which of these images do you associate with your self and soul?
Do you often get feelings of deja vu?
Do you feel a deep connection to bodies of water?
Do you feel as if you belong in the past?
Do you often challenge our knowledge of existence within your own mind?
Reincarnated From an Animal
Reincarnated From an Animal
Moreso than a deep connection to nature, you have a specific and intrinsic connection to animals, as your soul used to belong to one. Whether your being was a fierce and cunning wolf or a soaring, graceful hawk, you instinctly know the freedom of an open sky or the serenity of a thick forest. Few things bring you more joy than interacting with animals of any kind, as you feel at home in their presence. For you, animals are a great source of empathy - as you much prefer them over other people - and now you know why!
The Consciousness of Space and Time
The Consciousness of Space and Time
Prone to daydreaming and "slip-outs", your very being originates within the cosmos itself. A true child of space and time, your mind enjoys slipping away into deep thought, leading to feelings of almost "out of body experiences", and challenging our very notions of existence. What is space? More importantly, what is OUTSIDE of the space that we know? Your soul longs for these answers because, in a past life, it held the answers to them. In essence, you are searching for what you, deep down, already know. You've just got to find the path to unlocking it.
Mother Earth
Mother Earth
One with nature and all of its children, your soul originates within Mother Earth. Vast vistas of Earth's pure beauty make your heart sing, and bring the very essence of your being into an experience that can only be described as "pure bliss". You do not identify with most of humanity and the inconsequential anomalies we've chosen to focus on as a species, rather - your home is the soil... the sand... the forest... the ocean. Life is most beautiful in its purest form, and this is exactly where you come from. You are the fruit of Gaia herself, the offspring of the very mother who gives us all life!
Your Far Ancestors
Your Far Ancestors
A true child of humanity, your soul is deeply connected to the history - and the fate - of our species. Your being is your genetics, literally and figuratively, as your heritage is incredibly potent. Your far ancestors live on through your soul within a sort of "shared-spirit", which gives you the innate ability to identify with others you've never met. When your mind wanders, you may find yourself longing for a past that you've never truly known, but KNOW you love - a simpler time. You carry the legacy of humanity within you, and will indeed pass this incredible sense of what it is to be human down to all of your descendants.
The Future
The Future
Fond of gadgetry and "what-ifs", your soul originates in the future of mankind! Time travel paradoxes are too much for most, but your soul has traveled strands of time and managed to return to an age long since past. Essentially, this gives you a penchant for deja-vu (been there, done that) scenarios in which you feel as if you've already said or done what it is you're about to do.... and it is very likely that you have. Your soul brings your mind and being an innate wisdom of one who has seen the future and has been through those "what-ifs". We're willing to bet you're quite impatient, too!
The Elements
The Elements
Energetic and elemental by definition, your soul originates within the Natural Elements! Your spirit burns with the passion of fire, and your mind churns with the ferocity of lightning. Most elemental souls feel a deep connection to bodies of water, and feel most at home whilst surrounded by the sounds of ocean waves or a waterfall. Every part of us as living beings originated in the form of Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water - it is literally who we are. You just so happen to have a deep and unbroken connection to the elements that make us whole, and can pull from these elements to achieve pure happiness.