Which Cat Breed Is Your Personality?
Which Cat Breed Is Your Personality?
And no, we don't mean like those terrifying things in the CATS movie trailer. Which real cat breed do you share a distinct personality with?
And no, we don't mean like those terrifying things in the CATS movie trailer. Which real cat breed do you share a distinct personality with?

What sort of archetype do you identify with most?
Are you more of an indoors or outdoors person?
What is your "kitty size"?
Who is your favorite famous cartoon cat?
How do you prefer your cat hair?
Which collar would you rock?
You'd rather live somewhere:
Which word do you relate to most?
Do you like to be petted and snuggled?
Which pattern makes you purr?
Siamese: Poised & Regal
Siamese: Poised & Regal
Siamese if you please! You are royalty of the cat world - a refined, chin-up breed with distinguished genes and the most beautiful sapphire eyes a kitten could ever hope to have. Usually a slender and long breed, Siamese cats are - like you - known for their beauty inside and out. the Siamese cat became one of the most popular breeds in Europe and North America in the 20th century, though the modern Siamese is described as social and intelligent. Siamese tend to seek human interaction and also like companionship from other cats.
Bengal: Wild & Rambunctious
Bengal: Wild & Rambunctious
Wild thing! Never one to fully embrace society, you are a child of two worlds - the civilized and the savage. A full on mix of asian leopard and house cat, your genes give you a distinct natural beauty and thirst for adventure. You always prefer to be outdoors and tackling something new - though enjoy having your own indoor space to call home. You are no ordinary kitty... The wilderness is calling, and few things can stand in your way of making it all your own!
Munchkin: Adorable & Playful
Munchkin: Adorable & Playful
Awwwh - that face! You are, hands down, one of the most adorable domesticated animals to ever be... domesticated! Munchkin cats are bred for their condensed features (see: cute'n'stubby) and playful personalities. Never one to fully grow up, you embrace your youth and enjoy life for all it is and can be. The Munchkin is generally described as a sweet-natured, playful, and people-oriented cat which responds well to being handled. The world is your playground, and every other cute and fluffy thing is your playmate!
Scottish Fold: Fluffy & Relaxed
Scottish Fold: Fluffy & Relaxed
Fluffy in both appearance and personality - you are one giant ball of furry love! Folds are highly sought-after pets and Fold kittens typically cost considerably more than kittens of more common breeds. Feels nice to be expensive, huh? That aside, your gentle and relaxed disposition combined with your never-ending capacity to love make you the ultimate friend and companion. Few animals make folded ears and fluff look as good as you!
Bombay: Mysterious & Adaptable
Bombay: Mysterious & Adaptable
The only known breed to produce 100% solid black cats, like you - the Bombay is a very attractive and alluring breed! Although they like to be around people generally, Bombay Cats also tend to have a certain person whom they pay special attention to in their lives - something you can relate to. Able to adapt to any environment and establish a pecking order, you are very much your own person - despite what superstitions many may try to pin you with. Just remember, Black Cats are a symbol of good luck and fortune in just as many countries as they are signs of bad luck!
Calico: Creative and Colorful
Calico: Creative and Colorful
Such a colorful individual you are! Charming and talented, you are a cat of many colors - a dabbler of many things. Like the Calico, you are hard to pin down to any one specific breed or "type" - as your influences and background come from many different places. A true artist with a passionate and outgoing soul, your mind is constantly racing with ideas and images. You greatly enjoy the company of others - so long as they're on your level. Otherwise, "me" and/or "creative" time is much preferred. Your distinctive looks and talents are considered good luck to many cultures around the world!
Grumpy Cat: Grumpy yet Loveable
Grumpy Cat: Grumpy yet Loveable
You had fun once. It was awful.
To quote Tardar Sauce's owners (yes, Grumpy Cat's real name is Tardar Sauce): "We aren't exactly sure about Grumpy Cats breed; but she looks nothing like her mother or father. She looks similar to a Ragdoll or Showshoe; but there have never been any of that breed around the house. Her mom is a calico domestic short hair cat and her father has grey and white stripes." In summary - we have no idea what you are, but good god do we love you! Your dry wit and sarcastic cynicism embody much of culture today, and no matter how "unbearable" some may find you - twice as many find you endearing and, well, brutally honest! Never stop being who you are!