Which Horror Movie Mom Are You?
Which Horror Movie Mom Are You?
Are you mothering a little monster? Time to live up to your October potential....
Are you mothering a little monster? Time to live up to your October potential....

How many children do you have?
Do they obey you?
What about your husband?
Do you let your children watch horror films?
What is YOUR favorite type of horror film?
And lastly.... Would you do the unspeakable to protect your own?
Pamela Voorhees! (Friday the 13th)
Pamela Voorhees! (Friday the 13th)
Mrs. Voorhees, ahem - YOU, we mean - are quite the brawler. You could take a frying pan to the face and a fireplace poker over the head, only to ruin anyone and everyone in your life who has ever crossed you. ESPECIALLY those who would mess with your babies! YOUR BABIES!!! And those campers? Pffft... their counselors were too busy screwing each other to pay attention, anyway, right?
Margaret White! (Carrie)
Margaret White! (Carrie)
Law and Order. The rightful way of the world. God's Will. This is your place in the world! Heathens, sinners, and the evil of the world be damned if they come up against YOU, and YOU'll be damned if any child of yours does not follow the same path! Just... just try to be a bit more sympathetic if your daughter comes upon the “curse of blood".... No closets this time, kay?
Norma Bates! (Psycho)
Norma Bates! (Psycho)
“A boy’s best friend is his mother,” says Norman Bates to the newest tenant at the Bates Motel, Marion Crane... You've uttered these same words, and laaaaawd did you mean it! There is nothing, and we mean NOTHING, that can come between you and your babies. Not even one of them developing a split personality, one of which is you, and said personality ends up murdering you. Til death do you part, right?
Wendy Torrance (The Shining)
Wendy Torrance (The Shining)
You're tough. Sure, some see your sensitivity and/or constant comparing of yourself to your own mother as weakness - but YOU... you know better. When the $#it hits the fan (and it always does) everyone will be dead while you're children are still alive, guarded by you and a trusty blunt object. NOTHING, not even an insane husband or deranged spirits - will ever end you and your own!
Joyce Byers (Stranger Things)
Joyce Byers (Stranger Things)
Most wouldn't have the courage to hold onto hope. Humans naturally give into despair and let loose of what they love if it becomes "too hard." Not you. If there IS another dimension... an Upside Down full of hellacious demons and fears come to life... then it better pray it takes someone else's child. Because YOU - you're the baddest mother on the block.
Morticia Addams (The Addams Family)
Morticia Addams (The Addams Family)
Aaaaaahhhhh, what a beauty you are, inside and out. Sure, horror movies, violence, and gore may not truly be your thing - but your spirit LOVES Halloween as much as you love your family - and in this you and Morticia are the same! No matron will ever love her own as fiercely as you do - and no holiday shall ever be as sacred as Hollow's Eve for you and your wee ones!