Which Modern Disney Princess Are You?
Which Modern Disney Princess Are You?
Are you much more of a Moana or Rapunzel than you ever were a Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty?
Are you much more of a Moana or Rapunzel than you ever were a Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty?

Ballgowns are so 1950 (er, 1650). Let's go with this, instead:
Which OG Princess is the MOST basic?
Chose a Prince to reject just for fun:
Which subject could you study forever and never get bored?
YOUR big Disney Ballad would be named:
Who needs a magic carpet when you can have a:
If your PERSONALITY had a hair color, it would be:
Time to escape that castle-life. You head to:
You have to adopt a Disney Sidekick. It's gotta be the:
Fiercely strong-willed, you are akin to Polynesian Princess Moana! Society is filled with laws, rules and walls, all of which are meant to be questioned. You are loyal to a fault, but only if you feel those you are loyal to have their heart in the right place. If you know something is wrong or needs to change, you do everything in your power to change it. There is truly no limit to "How Far You'll Go" to do so, either. The world needs more Moanas like you!
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Unmatched in your zest for life and quest of personal freedom, you are most like the fiery Dunbroch Princess Merida! No matter where you're from, the unbridled passion of the Scots pulses through your heart. You've never been a damsel in distress, and never will be, as you MAKE opportunities instead of waiting for them to magically appear.
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Has anyone ever told you you're literally the weirdest but most fun or warm or positive person to be around, ever? They weren't lying! You are a ray of golden-haired sunshine just like the lost Princess Rapunzel! No matter how hard life has been on you or your loved ones, you press on - which is an incredibly admirable quality. Your love of live shines through your uniqueness with optimistic warmth even in the toughest of times. Keep being a beacon of light for those who need it most!
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You relate to this gif, do you not? Anna's ridiculously optimistic outlook may get her into trouble sometimes, but what some people call "naive" you know to be a trusting heart and empathetic soul. The world needs more YOUs, more Annas, to be caring and outreaching and to believe in the greater good, no matter how tragic the world can become - or how surprisingly awful some people can turn out to be.
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We'll spare you the over-used song lyrics. Why? Because you really ARE like Elsa, and we'd lose you immediately if we opened this result by explaining to you that the cold never bothered you anyway, right? Right. Ice-queen may be a bit harsh, but you are fierce, driven, and exacting - which can make you feel cold to others, yes - but you wouldn't have it any other way. You know who you are, what you want, and know it takes hard work to get it.
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Bella (Emma Watson)
Bella (Emma Watson)
Yes, you are a "bookworm", and no it isn't an insult! We've always known Belle's love for literature, but Emma Watson's newest take on the classic French princess ups the ante, and so do you! Just like Belle, you are a words-driven individual with a love for details and the technical aspects of our fantastical world's workings. Sure, most people are still stuck in 1950 and can't fathom a lady of your like, but they're behind and you're ahead - so never stop being you!
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