Who Is Your FINAL 'Game Of Thrones' Lover?
Who Is Your FINAL 'Game Of Thrones' Lover?
Trust us, ladies (and gents!), some of the best bachelors in Westeros' history are still alive and kickin'. So... which one will you be taking for your own?
Trust us, ladies (and gents!), some of the best bachelors in Westeros' history are still alive and kickin'. So... which one will you be taking for your own?

Alright, ladies (and gents!) - Choose an ideal hair color for your man:
Let's keep this profiling thing going, yes? Which actor is highest on your "Do List"?
On that note - Do you think you prefer your men local and wise? Or exotic and free?
Iiiinteresting... And which of these traits truly determines if you take it to "the next level" with someone?
So if you DO make it past the "mmhmmms" with your gent, where will your wedding take place?
Speaking of, which house are you secretly (but maybe also quite desperately) trying to marry into?
But perhaps most importantly - If Joffrey were your own child, you would:
And which badass woman of GOT would be your BFF thru all of this?
Ready to meet your final lover in the world of GAME OF THRONES?
Jon Snow
Jon Snow
As his wife, you finally get to tell Jon Snow that he knows nothing! And it only took a decade to finally nail him down! Only you could shine a little feminine light on this infamously broody man. Jon Snow might be reserved and pensive most of the time, but he also steps up as a fearless leader when needed - so he can take charge of you if you so wish. Snuggle up in his black furs and just enjoy being together- you never know how long "sexual bliss" will last in Westeros...
Tyrion Lannister
Tyrion Lannister
What a coincidence - you drink and you know things, too ;) - Many have judged this storied and tortured individual by his stature - but hopefully you are not one to jump to conclusions! Tyrion may not be the most sought-after husband in the land, but he has exactly what you are looking for: intelligence, wit, fearlessness and guile (and hey, the wealth of a Lannister never hurt anyone, either!). Tyrion will help you both find success in the kingdom and a life beyond the drab and dreary doings of Westeros' royal families - especially since all the other (terrible) Lannisters are dead! So yay!
Ohh.... oh yes ma'am! Ready to tame the beast of the North?! The one and only Tormund Giantsbane possesses every quality you are seeking in a mate: passion, strength, mystery and endless excitement! Like your men exotic? They don't come any more exotic than this towering wall of "yes please" from beyond the ACTUAL wall! Get ready for a wild and passionate marriage - and hope you are aren't squeamish!
Powerful, undyingly loyal, resourceful, and agile -The man known as Grey Worm is so much more than you think at first glance. Yes there are... certain things... or lack thereof... that might make you apprehensive about this gent - but as Missandei proved there are ways around ANY problem ;). This exotic yet charming warrior is fierce in life and battle - and so we're guessing it translates in the bedroom? You tell us!
Lord Gendry Baratheon
Lord Gendry Baratheon
A bastard no more! This gorgeous teddy bear is the full package: Looking for a husband who is dependable, determined, and from a strong family? Look no further! You couldn't ask for a more kind, loving, yes-please-er of a man! Sure, he's got major daddy issues, but... who doesn't in Westeros? Let's just hope your future wedding with him goes better than... you know... all GOT weddings ever.
Sir Davos Seaworth
Sir Davos Seaworth
Are you looking for a man who would do literally ANYTHING for you? You found him! Sir Davos is the face of dependability - even when he can't quite figure out which side he is on. This wise and warm man has seen his fair share of the world, and knows exactly what's important in life - not to mention his skills on the battlefield are bound to carry over into the bedroom. He will protect and care for you in the end, no matter what! And all those wrinkles just make for more lines to - right... we'll leave that to you ;)