Which Night Of Hanukkah Are You?
Which Night Of Hanukkah Are You?
Are you a first night kind of person? Or more of a third night kind of guy? Find out here!
Are you a first night kind of person? Or more of a third night kind of guy? Find out here!

How do you usually spend Hannukkah?
Pick a delightful Hannukkah treat!
Pick a side of the dreidel!
What is your favorite day of the week?
In which season were you born?
Which Jewish hero do you most identify with?
Other than Hanukkah, which is your favorite Jewish holiday?
Which Hogwarts house do you most identify with?
And finally; what do you do for Shabbat?
The First Night!
The First Night!
You are the first night of Hanukkah! You are all about excitement and the newness of the holiday season! Go easy on the donuts-you have seven more nights of Hanukkah to enjoy!
The Second Night!
The Second Night!
You are the second night of Hanukkah! You love having fun but you also like to settle in for a solid night of wine with friends. Make sure you get out there and have fun this holiday season!
The Third Night!
The Third Night!
You are the third night of Hanukkah! You are lucky number three, bringing joy and light wherever you go! You are well rounded and bring a good, balanced energy to whatever room you are in. Make sure you take some time for yourself over the holidays and don't burn yourself out!
The Fourth Night!
The Fourth Night!
You are the fourth night of Hanukkah! You are calm and balanced, the responsible one of the group. You know how to get things done and love to make a check list and keep to it! Remember to let loose this holiday season!
The Fifth Night
The Fifth Night
You are the fifth night of Hanukkah! We're past the half way point, but you aren't a quitter! You've got brisket and gelt so who needs Christmas! You know how to stick it out to the end!
The Sixth Night!
The Sixth Night!
You are the Sixth night of Hanukkah! You are charming and know how to get people back into the swing of the holidays! With only two nights left, you're best at spending your time wisely!
The Seventh Night!
The Seventh Night!
You are the Seventh night of Hanukkah! You know how to see things through to the end! You keep the fun going hours after the party has ended-that's why everyone loves spending time with you! Make sure to take care of yourself this holiday season!
The Eighth Night!
The Eighth Night!
You are the Eighth night of Hanukkah! You know that everyone always saves the best for last, and you're one of the reasons that's true! Spending time with you is enough to keep people smiling until it's Hanukkah again, next year!