Which Classic Southern Food Are You
Which Classic Southern Food Are You
Are you more like biscuits are deep fried chicken?
Are you more like biscuits are deep fried chicken?

Which of these southern cities is your favorite?
Which of these looks like your ideal Friday night?
Pick a celebrity:
Which word best describes you?
Which of these is your favorite country singer?
Which refreshing drink would you reach for on a hot summer day?
Is the above statement true or false?
What's your most unique quality?
You Got Cheese Grits
You Got Cheese Grits
You got cheese grits! You love to have a good time and stay active. But at times you like to stay home, relax, and binge watch some good TV. You're relaxed days come from the "blandness" of plain grits. You're a very loving, caring, and thoughtful person. Your friends go to you for comforting words and your cheerful attitude!
Fried Green Tomatoes
Fried Green Tomatoes
You got fried green tomatoes! You still embrace the child in you and love having fun. That comes from the not yet fully mature green tomatoes. You are very family oriented and focus on keeping close relationships with friends. You prefer staying home cuddled up in a blanket rather than going out and getting crazy. Luckily, your friends share the same interests and you always have a fun relaxing Friday night with them!
Buttermilk Biscuits
Buttermilk Biscuits
You got buttermilk biscuits! You're so very sweet! You go out of your way, no matter where you're headed, to help people in need - whether they're your friends or just strangers. You're caring nature comes from the softness of biscuits! You are generous and loving - and love making people happy. You are a delight to be around and people love to spend time with you!
Fried Chicken
Fried Chicken
You got fried chicken! You are very friendly and love to meet new people! But you take your sass wherever you go. Everyone loves you for it though. You speak the truth and people respect you for your bluntness. You love to have a good time and that's what puts the crunch in fried chicken!