What faction are you in?

Find out what faction from Divergent you'd fit in by taking this Aptitude test.

Created by Ella (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Sep 13, 2016

Which of these traits to you value the most?

You walk into a room, ready to take the Aptitude test. The person who will give you the test is a Dauntless woman with several tattoos. What do you do?

You are given an option. In a mirrored room, a piece of meat and a knife sit on a table. "Choose." A voice says. What do you pick?

Suddenly, a dog comes in, growling. What do you do?

The dog does not attack you. You are relieved until a little girl comes in. Growling, the dog runs after her. What do you do?

You are on a bus. A man sits, reading the newspaper. On the cover is a wanted sign. "Do you know who this man is? It can save me, please." He begs. You recognize the man on the newspaper. What do you say?

You're in the hallway at school and see a student being bullied. What do you do?

It is the Choosing Ceremony. What do you choose?



You belong to Candor! You value the truth, though it can be hurtful and brutal.



You're Dauntless! You are brave, though you can be cruel or harsh at times.



You are Amity! You are peaceful, though others may not take you seriously.



You are Erudite! You are intelligent and thirst for knowledge. However the quest for knowledge may lead you into dark places.



You are Abnegation! You are selfless and kind, always helping others. However you barely focus on yourself, including personal needs and having fun.



You are Divergent! You have honesty, bravery, peacefulness, intelligence, and selflessness inside of you.

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