Which Job Would You Have In A Futuristic Society?

What would your part be in a futuristic world?

Elle Lorena
Created by Elle Lorena (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Which of the following would you want?

What is/was your favorite subject in school?

Would you use a self-driving car?

Which office space looks the most appealing to you?

Which trait represents you?

Which holiday is your favorite?

How much time off do jobs you take interest in usually have?

You enjoy working with...

Would you like to live in a futuristic world?

Robot Mechanic

Robot Mechanic

You have some extremely talented skills. With your creative ideas, you can improve and contribute to the futuristic society we live in! You will come up with cool ideas that will improve technology and make life easier. There still aren't any flying cars, but who knows, maybe with your brains and creative ideas, you can invent it!

Virtual Fashion Stylist

Virtual Fashion Stylist

No more going to stores and searching through endless, messy, clothing racks. No more trying on clothes and taking hours in stores. Now, with your love of fashion and excellent communication skills, you can virtually help clients decide what to wear and pick out gorgeous outfits!

Body and Mind Healer

Body and Mind Healer

You were born a doctor. You clearly love helping people get better, and the thought of opening bodies up doesn't scare you one bit! But now, with a simple procedure when the baby is born, a chip is inserted into the brain and body and this is what will heal the patient as they age. The chip in the brain will heal mental illnesses, while the chip in the body will cure diseases, cancers, and even something as simple as the common cold. Everyone will be so thankful once they leave your medical office!



You have always loved kids. Now, you are educating the future adults of this futuristic society. Your job is extremely important, especially because of the high standards throughout the world. Teaching kids is not as simple as it used to be, but it's still just as fun. Using your creative skills



Baking and cooking is not what it used to be. It tastes just as good, if not better, and takes SO much less time! Chopping onions, kneading dough, cleaning, and the cooking time itself, now takes less than half the time it used to! You will be a great chef for the greatest restaurants throughout the world. Now, with planes that take less than an hour to get anywhere, you can be a chef at a restaurant in Paris one day, and then back to a restaurant in NYC in one day.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021