How Much Do You Truly Know About Halloween?
How Much Do You Truly Know About Halloween?
Getting 0 right would be truly terrifying.
Getting 0 right would be truly terrifying.
Created by Elle Van der Veer (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Oct 26, 2017
1 / 12
And what's up with trick-or-treating? Why do we do that?
2 / 12
What's the most popular Halloween candy bar?
3 / 12
In World War II, which candy was added to U.S. military rations during Halloween?
4 / 12
Why do we carve pumpkins?
5 / 12
Traditionally, what did the game of bobbing for apples predict?
6 / 12
What affliction do you suffer from, if you're afraid of Halloween?
7 / 12
Who made the haunted house an American cultural icon?
8 / 12
True or False: Halloween is the number one commercial holiday in America.
9 / 12
Why do we dress in costumes on Halloween?
10 / 12
Halloween is the day before which religious holiday?
11 / 12
What radio show caused mass panic on October 30, 1938?
12 / 12
What is the night before Halloween called?
Questions left
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