Pick An Outfit And We'll Tell You Which Obscure Sport To Play!
Pick An Outfit And We'll Tell You Which Obscure Sport To Play!
Take us out to the not-ball game!
Take us out to the not-ball game!

First things first! Pick a top.
Now pick some bottoms:
How 'bout some shoes?
And a hat?
It's still March, gotta bundle up. Which coat are you rocking?
Don't think about leaving the house without a scarf.
BONUS! Pick your bag du jour:
You should be a fencer!
You should be a fencer!
En garde! Based on your fashion choices, you'd thrive in parrying against an opponent. Because your fashion is killer, and you're going in for the kill, obvi! Now go pick out some fancy fencing whites, and we'll see you on the strip!
You should practice billiards!
You should practice billiards!
You didn't knock the eight ball into the pocket with your fashion picks! Pick up your pool cue and get yourself into billiards, my friend. You're a calculating sort, and your discerning eye will serve you well here!
You should play roller derby!
You should play roller derby!
You're a little rock and roll, with a side of sassy! Which makes strapping on a pair of skates and joining your local roller derby league the greatest idea ever. You're fearless and you're strong. We can't wait to see what you'll do on the track!
You should do curling!
You should do curling!
You're a little different than most people, and you're proud of it! After all, being unique is what makes the world go 'round. That's why you should take up curling! You'd be a master of the ends, trust.