Should You Wield A Bow, Axe, or Hammer Against Your Enemies?
Should You Wield A Bow, Axe, or Hammer Against Your Enemies?
None shall pass!
None shall pass!
Why do you have enemies?
And how many enemies do you have?
What's the thing you want to protect the most?
Are you fighting your enemies in a war?
What other fighting skills do you have?
What's your specialty in negotiating with your enemies?
If you could have one mystic fighting ability, what would it be?
BONUS! Pick another weapon for the heck of it.
You should wield a BOW against your enemies!
You should wield a BOW against your enemies!
You're a wily, clever kind of person. Which means you should wield a bow against your enemies. With your deftness and quick thinking, you can vanquish a large number of enemies without compromising yourself. Now go save the world.
You should wield an AXE against your enemies!
You should wield an AXE against your enemies!
Sometimes, it takes pure brute strength to get things done. Which is why you'd wield an axe against your enemies. When you're holding an axe, everyone knows you mean business, so maybe you can get things done without resorting to violence?
You should wield a HAMMER against your enemies!
You should wield a HAMMER against your enemies!
You don't really have enemies, per se, but you do need to be able to protect yourself from time to time. Enter the hammer. It's portable, but it gets the job done, and ain't no one want to be on the business end of that thing. Just use it carefully, okay?