What Does Your Inner Teddy Bear Look Like?
What Does Your Inner Teddy Bear Look Like?
What kind of warm and fuzzy are you?
What kind of warm and fuzzy are you?

What's your favorite decade?
Pick your favorite style!
Next, pick your favorite food:
Choose a color palette.
What's your favorite weekend activity?
Pick a Disney movie!
And finally, fill in the blank: "I'm _____ than the average bear!"
You are: a classic Theodore Roosevelt bear!
You are: a classic Theodore Roosevelt bear!
Did you know the teddy bear was named for American president Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt? Just like Teddy, you're a classic outdoors type of person. You're kind of like Ron Swanson, actually. Even though you're tough with all of the camping and hiking you do, you're still a big ol' softie on the inside!
You are: a Care Bear!
You are: a Care Bear!
If you could, you and everything around you would be fluorescent, technicolor, and rainbow, 24/7/365! You've got an outsized, sunny personality, and always find the positive in everything. You probably would prefer being born in the neon-colored 80's, if you had your way!
You are: a Build-A-Bear!
You are: a Build-A-Bear!
You're super trendy! Just like Build-a-Bear, you have an outfit for every occasion, without breaking the bank to do so. You're full of love and caring for other people, and you're always there when they need you, too. You're probably a child of the 90's, or if not, you're one at heart!
You are: a Vermont Teddy Bear!
You are: a Vermont Teddy Bear!
You're classic without being too old-school. You fit in no matter what the situation, and you have a tendency to boost other people's spirits when they're down. The world needs more people like you, because you're a comforting, comfy soul!
You are: a designer Burberry teddy bear!
You are: a designer Burberry teddy bear!
Oooh, you fancy! You adore the finer things in life, whether it's quality chocolate, old wines, or yes, designer duds. Knowing you is to know and remember to have fun in life, because you only get one go-around, you know? Here's to living life to the fullest!
You are: a classic Pooh bear!
You are: a classic Pooh bear!
You're sweet, like honey. Some might even call you a sweetie bear! You're honest to a fault, and you have no qualms telling others what you think. Keep being you, and preaching the truth, and yes, enjoy some of that honey, too. You've earned it!