Which Era's Wonder Woman Are You?
Which Era's Wonder Woman Are You?
Merciful Minerva! Are you more of a Gal Gadot, or a Lynda Carter?
Merciful Minerva! Are you more of a Gal Gadot, or a Lynda Carter?
What do you think when you see this World War II recruitment poster?
How about this one?
Let's move forward in time a little. What are your feelings on 1950's pin-ups?
How about living in a dystopian steampunk future?
Does 1970's glam do anything for you?
Is this hanging in your closet!?
Justice League Wonder Woman!
Justice League Wonder Woman!
You like doing things your own way. Sometimes you're a little zany when doing so, but you still get the job done at the end of the day. Athena would be proud.
Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman!
Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman!
You're classic. You prefer ordering Old-Fashioneds and Sidecars when out with friends, and you're a sucker for a red lip and winged eyeliner. Despite a sugary-sweet exterior, no one messes with you!
World War II Wonder Woman!
World War II Wonder Woman!
You crusade against injustice everywhere. Whether donating to hurricane relief or joining protests every weekend, you make sure you're always helping those less fortunate than yourself. You're amazing!
Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman!
Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman!
You're a modern woman of the ages! You most likely own a "Nevertheless, She Persisted" or "The Future Is Female" shirt. You're not afraid to take down mediocre white males everywhere, either. We bow down to you!
Amazonia Wonder Woman!
Amazonia Wonder Woman!
You're kind of an Anglophile, and that's pretty cool! After all, the Union Jack is also red, white, and blue, and that's all that matters at the end of the day. You can be found having a spot of tea before heading out to kick some ass. Blimey!
Elseworlds Wonder Woman!
Elseworlds Wonder Woman!
You prefer being way off-kilter. You're probably an artist or a musician of some kind, spending your days finding beautiful and meaningful ways of conveying the human experience to the rest of the world. This means you can be extra devastating against your enemies. Strong, you are!