Which Hollywood Silver Fox Is Your Sugardaddy?

Money please!!!

Elle Van der Veer
Created by Elle Van der Veer (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Apr 3, 2018

What do you want a sugardaddy for?

What would be your ideal first date?

What's the best part of a relationship?

What's the sexiest part of a man?

What kinds of gifts would your sugardaddy give you?

True or False: Blondes have more fun.

BONUS! Where would you travel with your sugardaddy?

Jeff Goldblum is your sugardaddy!

Jeff Goldblum is your sugardaddy!

You're into kinda offbeat but sexy silver foxes! Which makes Jeff Goldblum the perfect silver fox for you. Things will never be dull, and will always be intellectual when you're together. Hawt!!

George Clooney is your sugardaddy!

George Clooney is your sugardaddy!

Mmm. Is there any silver fox more perfect than George Clooney? He's pretty much the O.G. of silver foxes, and you're a classic kind of beauty yourself. You'll swan around the world in your perfect love!

Eric Dane is your sugardaddy!

Eric Dane is your sugardaddy!

Eye chee wa wa. Eric Dane is SIZZLING, which is perfect for you. You like 'em as sizzly and chiseled as possible. It's like the best of all worlds in a man. Be careful, or the two of you will burn the house down!

John Slattery is your sugardaddy!

John Slattery is your sugardaddy!

You like your silver fox sugardaddies old-school, and John Slattery is literally the first. Thanks to his role in "Mad Men", you can just picture the martinis and dark restaurants he'll take you to. Not to mention the upscale hotels for afterwards....!

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