Would You Be A Better Queen, Princess, or President In Real Life?
Would You Be A Better Queen, Princess, or President In Real Life?
Strong, powerful women only!
Strong, powerful women only!
What word would you use to describe your power?
And how would you wield your power?
Would you rather have power, or be admired?
Do you want people to choose you to have your power?
What kind of amazing house do you want to live in?
How long do you want to have your power for?
BONUS! I would wear ____ to signify my power.
You'd be a QUEEN!
You'd be a QUEEN!
God save the Queen! You'd definitely be a queen IRL, because you're a stately, royal sort of personality. You want to wield your sizable power, and you want to wield it now, crown and scepter in hand. We bow down to you!
You'd be a PRINCESS!
You'd be a PRINCESS!
You might need Obi Wan Kenobi sometimes, Princess, but you are your actual hope! Just because you're royalty doesn't mean you can't get your hands dirty and accomplish things. You prefer putting your power to good work over the easy life!
You'd be the PRESIDENT!!
You'd be the PRESIDENT!!
It's an honor to meet you, Madam President. You're a mover and a shaker, breaking glass ceilings/walls/floors/basically anything holding you back from your goals. No matter what, you're making history IRL!