Would you survive the Hunger Games?

Your name has just been drawn, but will you survive the Hunger Games?
Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favour!!!

Ellie Harkin
Created by Ellie Harkin(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

The games start... Where do you go?

You have several offers for potential allies, but who would you pick?

You overhear your ally(s) plotting to kill you, so you?

You get away and somehow make it to the last 12, you plan to do what next?

11 people left, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6... you are just working out who is left when one of your old allies runs at you, so you...?

5, 4, 3... and its just you and the other person from your district left, what do you do?

Yes definitely!

Yes definitely!

You would definitely survive, you have killer instincts and know how to react to certain circumstances. The odds are ever in your favour

Just hope you die quickly...

Just hope you die quickly...

You would not even make it through the first day, ypu are rash and make bad choices, if I were ypu I would just hope to die quickly. Sorry for your loss.



If you got lucky, you could survive, but you better be a fast learner. The odds must definitely be in your favour for you to survive...



Your life motto is to "RUN AWAY AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!!" I just hope you can. If you are able to hide as well you should last a fairly long amount of time... Maybe you could even win...

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