Are You Sleeping Correctly? 7 Simple Questions Can Help You Find Out!
Are You Sleeping Correctly? 7 Simple Questions Can Help You Find Out!
Seven straight-forward questions could drastically help your quality of life - and get you a diagnosis!
Seven straight-forward questions could drastically help your quality of life - and get you a diagnosis!
Sleep is precious - it is peaceful, relaxing, and recharges our batteries.
Or does it? Many, many individuals have trouble sleeping and for most it is an easy fix.
Looking at your answers on this evaluation and just a few adjustments afterward could drastically improve your sleep quality - such as setting a routine bedtime and/or wake-up time, which helps tenfold when it comes to your body rest during certain hours.
You Need Some Help Sleeping!
You Need Some Help Sleeping!
Sleep is precious - it is peaceful, relaxing, and recharges our batteries. Or does it? Many, many individuals have trouble sleeping and for most it is an easy fix. Looking at your answers on this evaluation, just a few changes could drastically improve your sleep quality - such as setting a routine bedtime and/or wake-up time, which helps tenfold when it comes to your body rest during certain hours. If you have pets, try to keep them off the bed - they can be majorly distracting and often don't need or want a solid night's sleep all the way through like us humans. The absolute best way to ensure a better night's sleep, however, is to separate yourself from electronic devices: Silence your phone and put it out of reach, eliminate "falling asleep to TV", and definitely don't settle into bed with a laptop/tablet - All of this really whacks with your melatonin production and fools your brain into keeping you awake for much longer than if you were reading a book or listening to quiet, sooth
You're An Average Sleeper!
You're An Average Sleeper!
You seem to be an average sleeper, which shouldn't be taken for granted! There is, however, room for improvement that could maximize your health during both day and night hours:
Many, many individuals have trouble sleeping and for most it is an easy fix. Looking at your answers on this evaluation, just a few changes could drastically improve your sleep quality - such as setting a routine bedtime and/or wake-up time, which helps tenfold when it comes to your body rest during certain hours. If you have pets, try to keep them off the bed - they can be majorly distracting and often don't need or want a solid night's sleep all the way through like us humans. The absolute best way to ensure a better night's sleep, however, is to separate yourself from electronic devices: Silence your phone and put it out of reach, eliminate "falling asleep to TV", and definitely don't settle into bed with a laptop/tablet - All of this really whacks with your melatonin production and fools your brain into ke
You're An Above-Average Sleeper!
You're An Above-Average Sleeper!
We have good news for you - You're doing it right! Judging by your results on this questionnaire, you are doing a lot to help yourself sleep at night and feel well-rested during the day.
For something that is such a huge part of life, sleep sure can be hard to achieve. If you are doing any of the following, though - keep it up:
-Staying away from electronic devices at night, all of which deprive your body of melatonin and keep you awake hours longer than you would be naturally.
- Setting regular bed times and wake-up times drastically improves sleep quality.
- Taking Quick Power Naps! Naps can really help with feeling well-rested during the day, but only if they're shorter naps (try to power nap for 30-45 mins max if you nap regularly, any longer and you're going to whack your sleep schedule out of alignment).
- Keeping a well lit home/office during the day. Most people don't consider how important daylight is to sleep, but a well-lit environment during the day is key to a restful
You Are A Wonderful Sleeper!
You Are A Wonderful Sleeper!
Color us impressed! Judging by your results on this questionnaire, you are doing an incredible amount to help yourself sleep at night and feel well-rested during the day. This not only results in a better night's rest, but in a much higher quality of living and overall health!
For something that is such a huge part of life, sleep sure can be hard to achieve - so it's not to be taken for granted how well you're doing! If you are doing any of the following, keep it up - as these factors heavily affect your ability to sleep:
-Staying away from electronic devices at night, all of which deprive your body of melatonin and keep you awake hours longer than you would be naturally.
- Setting regular bed times and wake-up times drastically improves sleep quality.
- Taking Quick Power Naps! Naps can really help with feeling well-rested during the day, but only if they're shorter naps (try to power nap for 30-45 mins max if you nap regularly, any longer and you're going to whack your sleep sche
Ready to find out how you're sleeping?