What's Your General Intelligence On A Scale From 0 To 25?
What's Your General Intelligence On A Scale From 0 To 25?
Measure your intellect by finding out your General Intelligence quotient on a scale from 0 to 25... What will your number be?
Measure your intellect by finding out your General Intelligence quotient on a scale from 0 to 25... What will your number be?

How many different-looking dominoes could you make with five dots?
Horse is to Zebra as Cougar is to:
If you add 30 to 30 and then divide by 3, you'll end up with:
Which of these vegetables is most different from all the others?
An antonym of an antonym for frigid would be:
If you flew a straight line west from Argentina, you'd be able to land first in:
A headache medicine instructs you to "only take one pill every three and a half hours", and only comes with four pills. How long will the medicine last you?
Joey is sisters with Mariana. Mariana's father has a brother named Daniel. What relation is Daniel to Joey?
If you took the number of strings on a guitar and multiplied it by the amount of legs a spider has, you'd end up with:
Without breaking any, what's the minimum amount of pencils you would need to spell out the capitalized word FELT?
Chimney is to Smoke as Cloud is to:
Which of these oceans touches both Africa and Australia?
6:24 is to _:12
The Greek Gods were named after their Roman counterparts.
Yellow light is created by mixing:
What would be a synonym of an antonym for gigantic?
Red and Yellow pigment makes:
If a man in France married his widow's sister, when would they have children?
If today is a Wednesday, what will four days from yesterday be?
Which of these animals is the most different from all the others?
If you hold your left hand up to wave at yourself in the mirror, it appears as if your right hand is waving back at you.
If you cut a pie three times across, you will end up with:
How many months of the year have 28 days and 30 days, respectively?
A shepherd has 26 goats. All but 12 die in the winter. How many are left?
If you flew a rocket from Earth toward the sun, the first planet you could encounter would be: