Which outfit matches your personality?

Click here to take a fun quiz to find out which of theese outfits match your personality.

Created by Ellie (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 13, 2015

Hair color?

Half full/ half empty?

Which color do you have most of in your wardrobe?

Why do you wear what you wear now?

Pick an animal.

Music 🎼

Outdoors? Or indoors?

Lastly, how often do you dress up?

Sweats and a tee shirt

Sweats and a tee shirt

You tend to not dress up too much, relax with sweats and a tee shirt.



This outfit shows you for you, fancy and cute.



Very cute outfit that you took an hour picking out. It shows how dedicated you are to your clothing.



You tend to dress like its summer, even if it's cold. You, my friend, are a positive thinker.



You dress to impress, you just found the right make up to match this outfit. You think high of yourself and hold much confidence.



You know how to plan an outfit! You are a big planner, and tend to be organized, you are also a worry wart, just relax!

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