Which Soda are you
Which Soda are you
Would you like to find out which soda you are???? Well click ''lets play'' to find out!!!!
Would you like to find out which soda you are???? Well click ''lets play'' to find out!!!!

Where do you want to live?
Do you watch movies alot?
Do you have a dog?
Do you have kids/want kids?
Which house do you want to live in?
Are you married/dating?
Pick a color
Coca Cola
Coca Cola
You got Coca Cola!!!! Coca Cola is sooo good, i cant keep my hands off of it!! every body loves and drinks coke all day!!
Sunkist is one of my favorites!!!! the name is so popular,and the taste makes your day better!!
Every time i go with someone to a restraunt they order Dr.Pepper!!!! Dr.Pepper has a very good yummy flavorful taste. every body loves some Dr.Pepper!!
Diet Coke
Diet Coke
Diet Coke is very good! its better for you and has a sparky yummy taste!!!!
Sprite is delicous!!!! when people are sick they drink sprite to settle their stomach down so sprite is like a stomach nurse!!!!
Vanilla Coke
Vanilla Coke
Vanilla Coke is an old time drink!! very many people love to drink vanilla coke these days!!
Cherry Coke
Cherry Coke
Not many people drink cherry coke these but the taste is absoulty amazing!!