What Hogwarts house do you fit in (Harry Potter)?

In Harry Potter there are four different houses, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. But in which house would you be in?

Created by Elline (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

A little girl walks by and says she had lost her mother and is really afraid. What do you do?

You are offered an adventure. What do you say?

You are in the situation to face Lord Voldemort of Harry Potter. What do you do when he asks you to be a Death Eater?

What do you think your friends would pronounce you as?

What is your favourite animal of these four?

Which is your favourite colour of these?



You are smart. You have a lot of brain and is perfect in lessons, though you like small adventures. You belong in RAVENCLAW



You are the loyal one. Don't worry if something happens to you. If you show loyalty enough something will always fix it. You belong in HUFFLEPUFF



You are brave and totally in for new adventures. Harry Potter himself is in Gryffindor, unsurprisingly after all those adventures... Anyway... You belong in GRYFFINDOR



Maybe you're not always the nicest, I'm afraid to say. Sometimes Slytherins are pronounced as the 'bad guys', but don't worry, maybe you'll get better... By the way, Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter is in Slytherin, maybe you'll team up with him! You belong in SLYTHERIN

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