Are you more like Melanie Martinez or Halsey?!
Are you more like Melanie Martinez or Halsey?!
Are you more like Melanie Martinez or Halsey?!
Are you more like Melanie Martinez or Halsey?!

How are you feeling right now?
What is your favourite colour?
What is your favorite Melanie song?
What is your favorite Halsey song?
Which other artist do you love?
Where would you like to live?
Which sweet treat would you like to eat most?
You are very much like Halsey. You're very much about spreading equality and you are very bad-ass. You don't give a f*** what people say and you know what you want people to view you as. You love experimenting with hair colors and have an amazing wardrobe. :)
Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez
You're highly sensitive but also very feisty. You are strongly opinionated and have a very good sense of judgment. You're highly loved and a very approachable, kind person. You are still a child a heart but are very mature. You can rock almost every outfit and take pride in your unique stlye. :)