Give Some Advice For 90s Teen Problems, And We'll Tell You If You Should Be A Therapist!
Give Some Advice For 90s Teen Problems, And We'll Tell You If You Should Be A Therapist!
If you can tell Sharon how to ask Brad out to the Night In Paris Dance, you might just have what it takes to be a therapist. Find out here!
If you can tell Sharon how to ask Brad out to the Night In Paris Dance, you might just have what it takes to be a therapist. Find out here!

Wynona's boyfriend Robbie doesn't seem as interested in their relationship as he used to be. What should she do to get his attention back?
Steve is gay, but he's afraid to tell his parents. What should he do?
Donna is afraid to drive in cars since she got in a car accident. What should she do?
Joey thinks his girlfriend Stephanie is cheating on him with his best friend. How should he confront them?
Johnny has a secret nightmare cat who keeps tearing up his room and peeing on his friends. He can't afford pet training. What should he do?
Shannon thinks her chemistry teacher hates her guts, and she's failing the class. What should she do?
Becky want this boy she likes to ask her to the school dance, but she doesn't think he knows she's alive. What should she do?
Tony's friend Josh keeps offering him drugs. He really likes spending time with him, but he doesn't know how he feels about heroin. What should he do?
Stephanie needs to start applying to college, but she hasn't done very well in high school. What should she do?
You Should Definitely Be A Therapist!
You Should Definitely Be A Therapist!
Trust us. If you can navigate a teenager of the 90s through adolescence, you have what it takes to be a therapist for adults today. You've got the best advice, and you're as caring as you are wise. What do you think about that? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see what if they have the right stuff!
You might have the makings of a therapist!
You might have the makings of a therapist!
Hey, you give some pretty good advice! You seem like you're a really good listener, and even when you don't know what to do, you're always encouraging and positive! You might make a great therapist yet! What do you think about that? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see what if they have the right stuff!
You probably shouldn't be a therapist, but you're a lot of fun!
You probably shouldn't be a therapist, but you're a lot of fun!
You may not have the best advice for 90s teens, but that doesn't mean you're not a whole lot of fun to hang out with! Besides, who wants to be the wise neighbor when you can be the fun aunt. What do you think about that? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see what if they have the right stuff!