This Inkblot Test Will Reveal Who You Are In A Relationship!
This Inkblot Test Will Reveal Who You Are In A Relationship!
Should you take charge in your relationship? Is your purpose to inspire? What you see in this inkblot test will tell you. Find out here!
Should you take charge in your relationship? Is your purpose to inspire? What you see in this inkblot test will tell you. Find out here!

What would you call this?
What's the first thing you saw?
What do you see?
What do you see here?
What do you see here?
What do you see here?
What do you see here?
What do you see here?
What would you call this?
What do you see here?
What do you see here?
What do you see here?
The Nurturer
The Nurturer
You're the Nurturer in your relationship. Always there for your partner to offer a shoulder to cry on, an ear to hear them vent, or a pair of hands to whip up some cookies when they're sad, you're truly a rock they can depend on and a soft presence to calm and cajole them in times of trouble. Did we get it right? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see who they are in their relationships!
The Executive
The Executive
You're the Executive in your relationship. Don't get us wrong, you're still plenty good at listening and supporting your partner, but when it comes to calling the shots, you have no problem taking more of a leadership role. You have no problem making your opinions and suggestions known, but you also take theirs into consideration first before making any decisions for both of you. Did we get it right? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see who they are in their relationships!
The Inspirer
The Inspirer
You're the Inspirer in your relationship! You have a special way of generating new ideas for romance and making each day brighter just by smiling at your partner. You're also their biggest cheerleader, and you know how to show them you love them in new and creative ways each day. Did we get it right? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see who they are in their relationships!
The Protector
The Protector
You're the Protector in your relationship. there's nothing you wouldn't do for your partner. Whether they need someone to help them with their problems emotionally, physically, or spiritually. Your first priority is always making sure they're in the best of health and that their happiness is the highest it could be. Did we get it right? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see who they are in their relationships!