This Test Will Reveal How Many Men You'll Date Before You Meet "The One"
This Test Will Reveal How Many Men You'll Date Before You Meet "The One"
Answer just a few pivotal relationship questions, and we'll tell you! Find out here!
Answer just a few pivotal relationship questions, and we'll tell you! Find out here!

What's your ideal first date?
Would you kiss on the first date?
Would you do more than kiss on the first date?
Do you believe in soulmates?
If you knew in advance that you wouldn't end up marrying someone, how likely would you be to go out with them anyway?
Would you date mainly for fun or to find someone forever?
What do you think is the most important thing in a relationship?
At what point do you think you're dating someone?
You're destined to get it completely right the first time around. For some people, that means waiting patiently for the right guy to come into your life. For others, it might mean simply being incredibly lucky and finding him tomorrow. Either way, you're the kind of person who KNOWS when they know, and as soon as you do, there's no turning back! What do you think? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see how many men they'll date before they find the perfect guy!
Maybe you've been burned before, and now you're waiting to be absolutely certain before jumping into something new. Maybe love is just coming at you faster than you imagine. Either way, you'll only be fooled once! What do you think? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see how many men they'll date before they find the perfect guy!
You're going to have a very healthy dating life before you find someone to settle down with. Each relationship you'll experience will be just right for your stage of life, and when you grow apart, it's simply the way things were meant to be, and you'll probably leave as friends. But number six? Well, that's a different story. What do you think? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see how many men they'll date before they find the perfect guy!
Listen, there's nothing wrong with wanting to have a little fun before you tie yourself down forever. We figure you're going to have a lot of amazing adventures to tell the grandkids about before you meet your greatest adventure of all. What do you think? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see how many men they'll date before they find the perfect guy!