We Can Guess Your Birth Order Based On Your 90s Movie Preferences!
We Can Guess Your Birth Order Based On Your 90s Movie Preferences!
Mrs. Doubtfire or Home Alone? We bet we can tell you if you're the oldest sibling based on your answer! Find out here!
Mrs. Doubtfire or Home Alone? We bet we can tell you if you're the oldest sibling based on your answer! Find out here!

Oldest Child
Oldest Child
We're getting some seriously nurturing and responsible vibes from your film choices, so we're going to go ahead and guess that you're someone's firstborn! When you watch a movie, you're used to thinking about what everyone will enjoy, even when your personal tastes might lean toward something else. Did we get it right? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see if we can guess their birth order!
Middle Child
Middle Child
We're getting some seriously rebellious from your film choices, so we're going to go ahead and guess that you're a total middle child! When you watch a movie, you're not really used to getting your way, so whenever you do get to pick the movie of your choice, you always want to try something new and bold. Did we get it right? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see if we can guess their birth order!
Youngest Child
Youngest Child
We're getting some seriously soft and simple vibes from your film choices, so we're going to go ahead and guess that you're the baby of the family! When you watch a movie, you're used to getting what you want, and what you want is to just enjoy yourself and for others to enjoy themselves, too. Did we get it right? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see if we can guess their birth order!
Only Child
Only Child
We're getting some seriously bold and adventurous vibes from your film choices, so we're going to go ahead and guess that you're someone's only child! When you watch a movie, you're used to thinking about what what your little family will enjoy, and thinking for fewer people means you can make choices that might be a bigger risk! Did we get it right? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see if we can guess their birth order!