Your Disney Choices Will Reveal Which Element Your Spirit Is Made Of!
Your Disney Choices Will Reveal Which Element Your Spirit Is Made Of!
Does your spirit paint with all the colors of the wind or taste the sunsweet berries of the earth? Does your soul burn with fire or do you find it hotter under the water? Find out here!
Does your spirit paint with all the colors of the wind or taste the sunsweet berries of the earth? Does your soul burn with fire or do you find it hotter under the water? Find out here!

Where would you most like to live in?
Which princess would you most like to be?
Which prince would you most like to be?
Which villain would you most like to team up with?
Which emotion are you?
Which Incredible are you most like?
Which of these Disney animals is your spirit animal?
Which Disney mentor would you most like advice from?
Which Disney creature would you most like to fight?
Your spirit is made of air. You can be as turbulent as a tornado or as soft as a breeze, but your soul remains in a constant state of motion. You have an uncanny ability to not only go with the flow of things but to rise above them and gently float back down, always landing on your feet. Your lightness is a welcome relief to everyone you know, and you're always a joy to meet. Do you agree? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see which element they are!
Your spirit is made of earth. You are as solid as the ground you're standing on. People can always depend on you to be there when you're needed most, day or night. While change may feel extraordinarily hard, you are much tougher than your circumstances, whatever they may be. Do you agree? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see which element they are!
Your spirit is made of water. Your easygoing nature allows you to take life as it comes in full stride. You love change, but even when you're feeling a little stagnant, your soul runs deep and wide. No matter who you're with, you have a way of making room to welcome everyone and are always a great comfort and source of cleansing to your friends. Do you agree? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see which element they are!
Your spirit is made of fire. You are at your best and brightest when you are filled with passion for something or someone. You can level buildings with your enthusiasm and sheer force of will. You may occasionally get burnt out, but like a phoenix, you'll rise from the ashes, sure as the sun. Do you agree? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see which element they are!